[..] Parent folder

File Name Size Modified Date
01-Another shitty day in paradise-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 3.418.112   05/04/2024 17:42
02-Beauty queen-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.194.304   05/04/2024 17:42
03-Walk in the park-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.904.960   05/04/2024 17:42
04-So clever they invented the atom bomb-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 5.193.728   05/04/2024 17:42
05-The search for intelligent life-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.950.016   05/04/2024 17:42
06-The sheriffs oath-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.059.136   05/04/2024 17:42
07-Its later than you think-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 3.952.640   05/04/2024 17:42
08-Nine dollars on red-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.339.712   05/04/2024 17:42
09-Dandelions-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 3.487.744   05/04/2024 17:42
10-Up the creek-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 3.577.856   05/04/2024 17:42
cover.jpg 4.082.100   31/01/2021 07:30
cover_200.jpg 8.091   01/04/2024 04:33
mauricebee-intelligentlife_spoken_128.mp3 41.648.128   05/04/2024 17:42

Total folders: 0
Total files: 13
Total size of all files: 87.816.527
Date generated: 31/01/2025 14:32